/Written by: Kabrea Thomas
Meet Therese Myers, she’s a mom, wife, author, and a mentor. Therese is known for her ability to help others reimagine possibilities, And she’s done just that with Yes girls create. we had the opportunity to meet therese and some of the amazing members of ygc. a workshop filled with chatting and creating some yummy smelling scents. continue to read more about how therese continues to break through barriers, and enhance the creative spirit and self-esteem of girls, because girls really do run the world!
Kabrea Thomas: What is Yes Girls Create? What was the inspiration behind the name?
Therese Myers: Yes Girls Create Inc. is a creative girls mentorship non profit organization in NYC. The name was literally spoken on a summer day when I was asked what do I want to do one year from the day. I said I will create a Girls group called "Girls Create".
KT: Yes Girls Create was founded is 2018, and the pandemic started a bit after. How were you able to pivot and keep the business afloat?
TM: YGC was able to pivot during the pandemic by shipping all our "Createkits" and we operated via zoom for 1 year. Since then we have moved back into physical locations across NYC and Long Island. We host monthly sessions and a yearly conference for over 70 girls and 40 adult women.
KT: When starting Yes Girls Create, what were the tools you used to start off with?
TM: The main tool I used to start YGC was support. Without the support of my ecosystem consisting of family, friends and my community, we would not have been able to start.
KT: What was your first event/project with Yes Girls Create that was a confirmation that this nonprofit was a need? Can you walk us through that fruition?
TM: Day 1 we opened the doors with a creative art session. The girls were so excited. THEY needed a community to be just be great! Our girls glow when then are in our space. They never know what to expect. Each session introduces them to female leaders in our community who are professionals in their fields and have dreamed out loud. The ability to have a tangible activity in conjunction with the authentic conversation from a woman who looks like them creates a lasting bond and impactful future.
KT: It takes a village to raise to build a foundation, how did you go about finding your village?
TM: My village is unconventional it consists of strangers, family, friends and the community at large who understands that we were called to serve and raise up our children, one at a time. Each day someone new is introduced to Yes Girls Create. These individuals, I am certain, the universe brings them to us to amplify the brand and create impact in the community.
KT: What were some things you learned during your journey of creating Yes Girls Create?
TM: During my journey of creating YES GIRLS CREATE I have learned to be obedient, trust the process and remove the noise. I am called to be a servant to our girls. I know that as I amplifying the message that God gave me, we can not fail. In addition, lean into the support of those who see the vision. I am so proud to have created this organization for my daughter's and nieces and all the girls we impact.
KT: As a mother, wife, mentor, author and so much more how does Therese balance her time?
TM: Balance is so hard. I have not figured that part out yet. I give 100% to everyone and everything. I am learning to create better ways to manage my time. "I am learning to take a break before I break" (OMI BELL , Founder Black Girls Venture). If someone has the magic potion, please email me!
KT: Let the community know where we can find Yes Girls Create, how we can help/donate and support.
TM: We would love the support of female experience Leaders and volunteers and financial support to help keep our program growing. In the meantime you can visit the YGC website, donate to support a girl. And or visit our socials: Instagram, Facebook, LinkedIn
Be sure to follow the Therese on Instagram, and Yes Girls Create!