/Written by: Kabrea Thomas
Meet Khamani Harrison, she’s an environmental engineer and entrepreneur. We crossed paths 2 years ago and I was able to learn about the Key bookstore - an interactive online bookstore that celebrates #blackmagic! So much for networking right!? Read all about how this #girlboss started, and the inspiration behind the types of literature at the Key bookstore.
Kabrea Thomas: What motivated the move from California to Connecticut? Has the change of scenery made an impact in your life, if so how?
Khamani Harrison: My family has always been a bi-coastal fusion of east and west. Once I visited the UConn campus, my heart knew it was home. I made it my mission to attend. Being on the east coast, and finally experiencing seasons has had a remarkable impact on my approach to life. Seasonality has helped me get in tune with Mother Nature's natural ebb and flow. A greater ability to handle change.
KT: What was your process like in starting the Key Bookstore?
KH: Fun! God was reaching deep inside to unveil new sides of myself I was unfamiliar with. This was a journey: spiritual, emotional, and historical. I am so thankful to have experienced the divinity of timing and preparation. The Key has served as a new way to allow my abundant creative nature to run free and have tangible responses. It's been very fulfilling along the way. The Key is a reflection of an experience I wanted from the bookstores.
KT: What is the inspiration behind the book collection at the Key Bookstore?
KH: Self Mastery! What is needed to survive and thrive.
The 4 pillars are:
Afrocentricity, Spirituality, Environmentalism, and Entrepreneurship This is the essence of what we feel is needed to master this lifetime.
KT: The Key Bookstore is currently an online bookstore, do you have any plans on having a Key Bookstore storefront?
KH: We pride ourselves on being an interactive online bookstore. Being remote allows us to attend events with the community to introduce this resource of knowledge. Eventually, we want to serve as information hubs in resource-starved environments. Publishing is most imminent! All in the works...
KT: What are your top 5 favorite books at the Key Bookstore and why?
KH: Maat The 11 laws of Gods, Survival Strategies for Africans in America, Invisible Man, Egyptian Book of the Dead, Lived in a little Cabin in the Yard. These books shook me. Totally changed the course of my life.
KT: Recently heard about you getting the opportunity to meet one of your favorite authors, tell us what was your experience like meeting Anthony Browder?
KH: Following Anthony Browder led to the entire shift in my life. Meeting him was so comfortable! He is respectable, extremely humble, and down to earth. That entire event was transformational. The speakers had powerful knowledge to share and the resources were abundant! Several black-owned bookstores were present so I was able to get what I needed during intermissions to expand my foundation in the black revolution.
KT: Coming from an environmental engineer background, do you think your profession has an impact on the success of the Key Bookstore? If so, how?
KH: Absolutely. Getting through my engineering program required an ability to problem solve and search for information. Running a business you need to be good at numbers, data analysis, and creatively discovering solutions. It also helped to curate for a major arm of the mission which is the environmental peace. The fight means nothing without land to stand on.
KT: Lastly, any gems you would like to share with individuals who want to start a business, but afraid to fail?
KH: Failure is a concept you need to erase from your brain. This world is not linear despite popular belief. Understand cycles, seasons! READ books from entrepreneurs such as Power of Broke by Daymond John. Get real stories from fellow entrepreneurs. Research and study your industry. Mentors can help guide your direction to the destinations you desire! Have a plan and be adaptable. Plans help keep you grounded on the roller coaster that is entrepreneurship.
Be sure to follow the Key Bookstore on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter.